Thursday, 13 February 2014

#FiorelliTravels: Lisa Jets to New York

Our lovely Head Designer Lisa and her team recently went all the way to New York on the hunt for some trend inspiration for her next collection, and although this means that she spent most of her time working and carrying out important trend research in the Big Apple, it also means that she got the chance to do a spot of sightseeing and visit some of the trendiest hotspots too!

The design trip took place just a couple of days before the Superbowl and NYFW, and although you’d expect the shops to be buzzing with all things fashion week related, it was actually the excitement for the big game that was bubbling in the air! 

Department stores like Bloomingdales and Macy's were Superbowl crazy, and even featured a range of Superbowl head pieces created especially by designers and celebrities!

The weather was freezing during the trip, and what the New Yorkers were referring to as a light sprinkling of snow was what us Brits call a heavy snowfall! So, wrapped up and braving the freeze, it felt almost compulsory to hit a few of the coffee shops to warm up - the Cupping Room Café in West Broadway was just one of many that we visited! 

Sightseeing was a must, and New York takes your breath away all the more when it's lit up at night time. The Rockefeller Centre and it's sprinkling of fairy lights was amongst our favourite things to see.  

Of course, like true New Yorkers, we said goodbye to the city in a yellow cab. We were really sad to leave, but we managed to gather lots of design inspirations and hope that you'll love our collection next season!

From the runways to fashion icons, where do you get your style inspiration from? Tweet to tell us @Fiorelli_Bags!

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