Thursday, 12 December 2013

Team Fiorelli Share Their Christmas Plans

Christmas is one of our favourite times of the year, so everybody in our office is excitedly counting down until the big day. With only twelve days left, we can’t wait to spend some quality time with our families, eat as much delicious food as we possibly can, and of course, find out what lovely presents we will be surprised with.

If you’re wondering exactly how some of the Fiorelli team are hoping to spend the festive season and what they’re most looking forward to, we've found out their Christmas wish lists for you! 

Sue Tebbitts: Brand Manager  

What do you love about Christmas?
I love spending ages with the kids choosing the ‘right’ shape Christmas tree and then decorating it for hours.

What will you be giving?
For girlfriends, I’m sending Kate Spade accessories, for the kids, it’ll be iPods and headphones, and I’ll probably get the hubby a bit of Mulberry.

What are you hoping to receive?
I’d love a cashmere beanie and some good books. 

Cecilia Child: Trade and Corporate Operations

What do you love about Christmas?
I love Christmas as it means hanging out with friends and family for an extended period. That along with the eating and drinking of course!

What will you be giving?
My husband has been after some tweed for a while, so, I will be giving him a peacoat from S.E.H Kelly. 

What are you hoping to receive? 
I love all things brogue, so, I'd love to get a nice pair of boots from Grensons. 


Pandora Rice: National Accounts Manager

What do you love about Christmas?
I love spending time with all of my family and eating as much as I possibly can!

What will you be giving?
I will be making home-made mince pies for aunts and uncles, then, jewellery for my Mum and sisters.

What are you hoping to receive? 
I would love to receive either some Zara clothes or some Russell and Bromley boots!

Lisa Wood: Senior Designer  

What do you love about Christmas?
I love everything about Christmas!

What will you be giving?
It sounds predictable but I'll be giving Fiorelli handbags to all of my female family and friends as it's honestly what they want! Even my little nieces have requested Fiorelli handbags from me this year! They want the mini Harper grab and Perry shoulder bag from the new collection. For the boys, I've not decided what to buy them yet!

What are you hoping to receive? 
A little bit of jewellery from my Fiancé.  

So, now that you know some of Team Fiorelli's plans for Christmas, why not share yours with us? Tweet to tell us, @Fiorelli_Bags.

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